106 Avenue de Liberté, Tunis, 1002, Tunisia
+21652566692 aslema@elsapce.co
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EL FABSPACE in Tunis: A Hub for Makers and Innovators
EL FABSPACE is a dynamic community workshop and digital fabrication laboratory located in Tunis, Tunisia.

It's a part of the EL SPACE ecosystem, a social innovation hub known for fostering creativity and entrepreneurship.  

Key features and offerings of EL FABSPACE include:

Digital Fabrication Equipment: Access to a range of tools like 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC machines, and more.
Workshops and Training: Regular workshops and training sessions on various digital fabrication techniques and technologies.  
Community and Collaboration: A vibrant community of makers, designers, and innovators who collaborate on projects and share knowledge.
Project Development: Support for individuals and teams in developing and prototyping their ideas.
Open Access: A welcoming and inclusive environment where anyone can come and learn, create, and experiment.  
EL FABSPACE plays a crucial role in:

Education and Skill Development: Providing hands-on learning opportunities for students, hobbyists, and professionals.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Supporting the development of new products, services, and businesses.
Community Building: Fostering a collaborative and creative atmosphere where people can connect and learn from each other.
If you're interested in exploring the world of digital fabrication, joining a creative community, or turning your ideas into reality, EL FABSPACE in Tunis is a great place to start.

Lab Capabilities
  • 3D printing
  • CNC-Milling
  • Laser
  • Precision milling
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