Guyancourt, 1 place, Guyancourt, IDF, 78280, France
Lab tags:
The Creative Lab is a lab open inside the Technocentre of Renault in Guyancourt, which is the main engineering site of Renault with more than 12000 employees.
Every employee can access anytime to the Creative Lab for any kind of project. This include professional projects as well as private projects. It is also accessible to the local ecosystem of Saclay, to our cooperation partners, and open to the public for free friday from 9am to 5pm (limited number of entrances).
We focus on training, coaching, bringing Fablab Spirit inside our organisation and sharing possibilities.
- Impressão 3D
- Usinagem CNC
- Corte Laser/Gravação
- Usinagem de precisão
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