NO Nelson - N7, Edwardsville, Illinois, 62025, United States of America
Lab tags:
Confluence fablab is located just outside St. Louis Missouri at the meeting of three great rivers (Mississippi, Missouri, and Illinois). The name of the lab references our geographic location as well as the convergence of ideas and talents of the users of the lab. Our lab is extremely well outfitted with equipment. It includes all of the CAD software you could hope for including: the entire autodesk suite of products, Solidworks, Rhinoceros, Mastercam, and many other programs. This computer space is attached to the fabrication space and has a conference table, entire dry-erase wall, projection and plotters. We have 2 large, tight tolerance 3D printers, and several smaller economy 3D printers. We also have a 24"x 48" lasercutter and vinyl cutter. In our production area, we have a full wood shop (cnc router, table saw, lathe, chopsaw, planer, jointer, bandsaw, drill press, etc.). We also have welders, mills, lathes, cnc mills, cnc lathe, metal band saw, metal drill press, sheet metal tools, etc. We have several fully-stocked electronics benches. We have a finishing area that includes sand blaster and spray booth. There is an assembly area tying it all together with ample space and table surfaces. All of the hand tools are controlled by a bin checkout system. There is also a secure storage area to put projects between workdays.
- Impressão 3D
- Usinagem CNC
- Produção de circuitos
- Corte Laser/Gravação
- Usinagem de precisão
- Para quem é voltado o fablabs.io?