Bullis BITlab
10601 Falls Rd, Potomac, MD, 20854, United States of America
301-299-8500 matt_zigler@bullis.org
Lab Details
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The Bullis BITlab is a 2500 square foot K-12 Fab Lab and Makerspace. Our focus is to expose, educate and enrich the minds of our students with hands on learning that brings making and fabrication to all content areas and all students. From programming in kindergarten to CNC milling and First Robotics in high school, students can participate in STEM activities at many levels. By connecting with the community to open the space for community projects, students can assist and learn from a wider range of makers and experts to understand the impacts of digital fabrication in the world.

Lab Capabilities
  • 3D printen
  • CNC frezen
  • Printplaat productie
  • Laser Snijden/Graveren
  • Precisie frezen
  • Vinyl snijplotter
Matt Zigler
BITlab Coordinator
Upcoming Events

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