BHARATIYA SKILL DEVELOPMENT University, Plot 001-002, DTA, Mahindra World City, Off Ajmer Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302037, India
Lab tags:
BSDU FabLab is a part of Bhartiya Skill Development University, Jaipur, India where it supports different educational and research programs related with the multidisciplinary domains available at the university.
BSDU FabLab aims to explore the interaction with Industries. It is basically a research and prototyping lab, setup to promote "Rapid Prototyping" with the latest, state of art tools and technologies. This lab assists Industry and Individual in product development and their sustainability issues.
Our mission as a Fab Lab is to provide access to the tools, the knowledge and the financial means to educate, innovate and invent using technology and digital fabrication to allow anyone to make (almost) anything, and thereby creating opportunities to improve lives and livelihoods around the world.
- 3D-Drucken
- CNC-Fräsen
- Leiterplattenherstellung
- Laserschneiden/-gravieren
- Präzisionsfräsen
- Schneideplotten