40 Cours de Bercy, Moulins, France, 03000, France
Lab tags:
Atallier Fablab is based in Moulins, in the middle of the French countryside. Moulins is a historical city with 60 thousand inhabitants in the area. Our Fab Lab community is made up of people from the ages of 5 to 75 and at the moment we have more than 100 members.
The Fab Lab originally started from an idea in 2014 and officially opened in 2017. Since then, many things have happened.
Our Fab Lab is located in the hospital in the historical center of Moulins that was under construction at the time and we were given a space that was going to be destroyed.
In addition to our Fab Lab, there are also other associations which are working together with the hospital helping patients with special needs.
In between local and global
We are a Fab Lab open to everybody encouraging them to learn, make and share. We are not only a place where you can make almost anything, we are also involved in the French Fablab Network and we are part of the European Initiative “Vulca Makers Mobility”. We participate every year in many makers events. We organized the 1st French Fab Lab meeting and the 1st Vulca seminar in Moulins, both in 2017.
We have made creating a network one of our main priorities through the makers movement.
In between technical skills and soft skills
At our Fab Lab we have 3D Printers, a laser cutter, a sewing machine, a vinyl cutter, a virtual reality headset, electronics and a multi-skills community which is involved in many different projects.
We organize differents events like Seminars, Carnival, small appliance repair, and so on.
We also send abroad and host international makers (with Vulca). This way, we get the chance to improve our soft skills and meet very interesting, creative people. By the way, our city is a perfect place to meet local and international people in the maker movement!
- https://www.facebook.com/AtallierFabLab/
- https://twitter.com/FablabMoulins
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqtggQL5pUEsc_DaHBhUN2w
- https://www.instagram.com/atallier_fablab/
- https://atallier.eu
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