Universidade de Évora, Colégio dos Leões, Estrada dos Leões/ Antiga Estrada N18, 38, Évora, 7000-812, Portugal
Lab tags:
The_ARTERIA_LAB maker space is currently operating in workshop at the University of Évora in articulation with other creative spaces at the University of Évora, such as the Photography and Multimedia Studio, the Electroacoustic Music Laboratory, the Sound Recording Studio and, in the near future, the Immersive Reality Laboratory. Soon, _ARTERIA_LAB will also have spaces for co-work, meetings, talks, exhibitions and a social area.
The _ARTERIA_LAB is based at the University of Évora but open to the community. The community at large has open access to the maker space equipment, paying a fee corresponding to using expenses (electricity, maintenance, etc) and the time of the fabmanager.
Consumables and other materials can be payed separately or be provided by the users.
The access to the maker space is directly made through the website fab-lab.uevora.pt. Users must make an appointment with the fabmanager to prepare the work, select the appropriate machines, estimate costs of use, etc… The booking of the machines is made with the fabmanager during the preparation session. The preparation sessions are free to all users.
- Impressão 3D
- Usinagem CNC
- Produção de circuitos
- Corte Laser/Gravação
- Usinagem de precisão
- Para quem é voltado o fablabs.io?