Cerro Blanco 141, Santiago de Querétaro, Querétaro, 76090, Mexico
Lab tags:
The Autonomous Systems Laboratory "Raúl Rojas González" (SAL) belongs to CICATA Queretaro, a public funded research center which is part of the National Polytechnique Institute (IPN). SAL was created thanks to funding from CONACYT and IPN. SAL's purpose is to support innovation, research and technology development. Our approach is to open up our spaces aiming to create a learning community of makers. We think that open communication between maker enthusiasts will foster the development of our community to solve the local problems while at the same time our global integration with other similar communities will improve our skills, allowing us to share what we learn. Our objective in joining the FABLAB international community is to learn best practices to reduce the learning curve to achieve our goal.
Raul Rojas Gonzalez is a Mexican scientist whose achievements in technical terms and the social impact of his academic activities inspire us to perform at our highest possible level.
To have developed SAL thanks to public financial support. We have a clear understanding that our best way to give back is to use this infrastructure to support the development of our community in terms of an open space for electronic production.
SAL LAB is placed in a 12m x 7.5m x 5.5m physical space made up of maritime containers. The walls are covered with thermal isolator and the exterior of thermal paint. There is electric power supply at 110/220 volts, running water, and wireless internet (wired internet will be available by July 2017).
Equipment Technical Description
CNC router STM-1224
Occulus RIFT
Vacuum pump 0.56hp
3D printer Multimaker 2+ Extended
Laser Cutter CAMFive CFl-CMA1325, CO2 150Watts CO2 laser
UAV. Maja XL, Wing span 2200mm, length 1200mm, fuselage, Wings from EPP, brushless motors 550W
Radio control vehicle Traxxas X-Maxx 77076-4
Winder. x-Winder 4x-23, 4-axis
Thermal cameras. FLIR VUE PRO Radiometric thermal imaging (640 x 512 x 9Hz, 13mm)
- https://www.cicataqro.ipn.mx/cicataqro/qro/cicata/index.php/laboratorio-de-sistemas-autonomos-ligeros-b.html
- https://www.cicataqro.ipn.mx/cq/qro/Paginas/index.php/laboratorio-de-sistemas-ligeros-a.html
- Impressão 3D
- Usinagem CNC
- Corte Laser/Gravação
- Usinagem de precisão
- Para quem é voltado o fablabs.io?