Oasis NorteSur, Carretera Nacional 340, 70KM, Facinas, Cadiz, 11380, Spain
Lab tags:
Before embarking on our journey with FabLabNomads, we were deeply involved in the operation of two stationary fablabs in Poland. We initiated the establishment of one of Poland's pioneering FabLabs, namely FabLab Trojmiasto, and were integral members of the team that launched the FabLab powered by Orange in Warsaw. Concurrently, we collaborated on the creation of the FabLab w Drodze (Mobile FabLab) project in partnership with the French Orange Foundation.
After dedicating eight years to the management of stationary FabLabs, we made a bold decision to acquire an American School bus and transform it into a mobile workshop. Over the past three years, we have traversed Europe, immersing ourselves in the FabLab community, providing instruction, and orchestrating a diverse array of workshops and courses. As educators, crafters, and makers, our passion for hands-on learning has fueled our journey.
Prior to setting out on our mobile adventure, we meticulously outfitted our Skoolie with an array of tools. Our inventory includes a Maslov CNC milling machine for larger projects, a Zmorph 3D printer versatile enough to be converted into a small laser cutter or precise CNC milling machine, a K40 laser cutter, sewing machines (including an overlock and heavy-duty model), woodworking power tools, and an assortment of hand tools. Given our expertise in leatherworking, we've equipped the Skoolie with all the necessary tools for this craft.
For electronic endeavors, our Skoolie is equipped with basic electronics equipment such as soldering stations, multimeters, and Arduino and Raspberry boards. We possess the capability to prototype electronic PCB boards and have plans to incorporate basic screen printing equipment in the coming months. Additionally, as practitioners in metalworking, our Skoolie is stocked with essential hand and power tools like a TIG welder, grinders, and drills. Our commitment to versatility and innovation ensures that FabLabNomads remains a dynamic and well-equipped hub for creative exploration.
- 3D-Drucken
- CNC-Fräsen
- Leiterplattenherstellung
- Laserschneiden/-gravieren
- Präzisionsfräsen
- Schneideplotten