8000 S. Chambers Road, Centennial, Colorado, 80112, United States of America
Lab tags:
The CCIC FabLab will enable students to create almost anything. It will be housed in the Cherry Creek Innovation Campus, which is a new college and career readiness facility within the Cherry Creek School District. The pathways within the building are: Advanced Manufacturing, Business Services, Health & Wellness, Hospitality & Tourism, Infrastructure Engineering, IT & STEAM, and Transportation (Automotive & Aviation). The building is centered around partnering with business and industry and higher education, in order to develop students' skills for their post-secondary plans. The pathways will be working collaboratively, not within silos, in order for students to gain perspective from outside their chosen discipline.
- https://www.linkedin.com/company/cherry-creek-innovation-campus/?viewAsMember=true
- https://www.instagram.com/ccic.ccsd/?hl=en
- https://twitter.com/CCIC_CCSD
- https://www.cherrycreekschools.org/ccic
- 3D printen
- CNC frezen
- Printplaat productie
- Laser Snijden/Graveren
- Precisie frezen
- Vinyl snijplotter